Who We Are

About Our Purpose

Full-Circle Learning, as an organization, exists to help young people embrace their role as society’s humanitarians and change agents.

Educators from almost every continent have discovered their capacity to transform their communities through Full-Circle Learning teacher training programs and direct service to students and schools.

Full-Circle Learning’s team of pro bono service providers includes board members, community members, parents, and organizations –all supporting teachers in their noble role of molding a generation of world citizens who apply their skills to serve the human family.

All who embrace a common vision have come together over the years to collaborate in wisdom exchanges and to practice strategies of truly transformational education. For a basic grasp of the philosophy and pedagogy of Full-Circle Learning, see the statements that follow: Philosophy Statement and Twenty Marks of a Full-Circle Learning School.

Brand for Full-Circle Learning

Full-Circle Learning Board Philosophy Statement

This philosophy statement guides the way the organization strives to conduct collaborative relationships and should also influence its approach to teaching students about global project development, capacity building, and learning partnerships that promote sustainable development.

The Full-Circle Learning organization recognizes the value of:

  • The basic human right of all people to an integrated education with a world-embracing vision.
  • The nobility of people of all cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
  • Increasing socio-economic equity among all peoples.
  • The equality of the station of women and men.
  • The importance of developing the qualities of respectful communication, integrity and sacrifice in the future leaders who will address the challenges that face the world.
  • The relationship of the personal character development, cognitive development and creative development of the individual and the social development of a whole community.
  • The setting aside of differences to embrace the common vision of helping to carry forward an ever-advancing civilization through the love, nurturing and careful education of each new generation of world citizens.

To help students in their formative years enjoy purposeful lives today and a vision for the future, and to assist communities in facilitating this process, the organization shall encourage capacity building in the communities it serves:

In general, by:

  • Responding to community needs as its primary focus and serving as a resource or a partner to agencies, institutions, community groups, learning organizations or sponsors in communities requesting assistance.

Twenty Marks of a Full-Circle Learning School

  1. Learners see giving as the purpose of learning.
  2. Learners feel motivated by their empathic membership in one human family.
  3. These commitments inspire peak experiences and creative, compassionate action toward members of an ever-widening circle of humans and living things.
  4. Expressions of process-based learning and critical thinking integrate all academic content areas and art forms, as learners strive to uplift, advocate, remedy, build, advance solutions and otherwise contribute to the well-being of others.
  5. Service to humanity finds parallels in the world community, through global wisdom exchange projects linked to local transformation projects.
  6. One specific character trait brings thematic continuity to all the subjects within a learning unit.
  7. Each new learning unit contributes to an overall year-long identity, specific to that grade level. (For example, four successive traits may occur over the year for the Humanitarians class.)
  8. Teachers customize learning units for regional education standards and for the community needs they target through projects.
  9. A student absorbs 60 or more habits-of-heart over a school career, one at a time.
  10. Each habit-of-heart becomes the theme for an integrative unit plan with service outcomes, based on the teacher’s integration of the universal13-S steps (incorporating researched, scaffolded steps).
  11. In their service-learning actions, learners frequently define teaching as service.
  12. Deliberate classroom management strategies and teaching methods: 1) nurture altruistic identities, 2) promote self-mastery and 3) engender a collaborative peer culture among students and across classrooms.
  13. Students receive opportunities to appreciate differences, to bond with positive role models and to problem solve through hardship (challenging scenarios).
  14. Within each learning unit, conflict resolution applications help learners understand the need for inner growth and outward collaboration in personal, local, and world-stage dilemmas.
  15. Students experience daily opportunities to see the good in others.
  16. Students receive opportunities to reinforce habits-of-heart at home, to teach and learn from family members, and to honor the habits-of-heart in family members.
  17. Broad opportunities, over time, present a chance to engage with adult role models through community transformation and service-learning field trips, helping learners develop multiple strengths, entrepreneurial skills and options for civic-minded career paths.
  18. Educators bond, train and plan based on a shared local vision, foreseeing the end results of their planning from the start.
  19. Schools recognize the nobility of each individual and the equality of women, men and people of all cultural, ethnic and national backgrounds and belief systems.
  20. Teachers express their own nobility and sense of purpose as they foster a generation of change agents and humanitarians.
Woman with t-shirt that reads She believed she could change the world so she became a teacher

Primary Corporate and Foundation Donors (2022 and Beyond)

  • John Templeton Foundation
  • MovieBox Art
  • EDI Health Group
  • Bregal Sagemount Corporation
  • Mona Foundation
  • One Planet Ops Inc.
  • The Douglas Family Legacy Grant
  • Mahmoudi Family Trust
  • 455 Foundation
  • Nevada County Climate Action Now
  • Sierra Foothills Audubon
  • Bessie Minor Swift Foundation
  • Amazon Smile Foundation
  • Network for Good
  • Rose Foundation
  • Aspen Environmental

For documentation of participating schools and sites around the world, see the Map.


Alagie NDow, lead facilitator for the Gambia, reviewed his materials during a Full-Circle Learning training course.

Eric explaining bridge

Eric Muleya Lead facilitator for Zambia, explained the conflict bridge to Zambian educators.

Nigeria graduates

Harry Kennedy, Nigerian FCL Facilitator, generated community impact among many thousands with his health disparities team, some of whom appear here as new graduates of Harvard International School.

Funmi with an elder

Funmi Aberejesu, a Nigerian facilitator from the Osun state, gifted an elder honored in the students’ Batik project.

Mabel on Autism

Simadji Justin and Pacifique NDouba serve as Chadean Facilitators. They met here with other educational leaders.

Growing food for inmates

Layla McBridge, of Chad, led students in delivering their vegetables in a food security program for inmates.

Fiston with Soma Soma

Fiston Muganda, lead facilitator for Uganda, has trained NGO workers, teachers and children in and around the Nakivale Refugee Camp.

Maureen and Rene on the street in Spain.

Left, Senior Programs Officer and board member Maureen Mungai welcomed board treasurer Rene Sprattling in Marbella Spain, the headquarters of Full-Circle Learning Europa.

Below, Operations Director and board member Sana Moussavi met with students whose teachers attended a training session sponsored by the Lesotho Curriculum Development Department.

Sana kneels in front of children grouped together for.

Below, board vice-president Fariba Mahjour championed a student presentation on gender equity and violence prevention in Monrovia Liberia.

Fariba outside with fellow teachers and others.

Below, a joint fundraising event at the Los Angeles House of Blues included a speech by FCL board secretary Dr. Marisol Rexach, who teaches at Chapman University and University of California and also serves as Santa Ana School District Teacher Development Director.

Marisol on stage at the house of blues.
Sugey Lopez stands with Stephanie Ochoa outside.

Sugey Lopez (the first site director at Rancho Sespe/Piru FCL programs) and her predecessor, Stephanie Ochoa, greeted families at a summer Mastery Ceremony. Sugey’s work caught the attention of district officials, who hired her to direct district-wide preschools, impressed with the accomplishments of secondary students who grew up in Full-Circle Learning programs.

Fariba smiles with a young student.

Fariba Mahjour escorted Tarzana Elementary School students on a field trip to honor biomedical researchers at Phenomenex for displaying the habit of altruism.

A group of board members outside for a.

Board members Lily Ning (upper left) and Rene Sprattling (center, in blue) posed with teacher Katie (Smith) Wada, online editor Daven Mathias and participants of the 2018 Climate Change Agents Camp.

Below, left: Dr. Jin-mei Gan (left) instructed the teachers of Zhejiang Province, China, in the Full-Circle Learning approach that guided their development for more than a decade.

Right: A visit to Zambia’s Cry School included visits with children and parents and and a service project for seniors.

Jin Mei Gan and Teresa Langness
Teresa in Zimbabwe with a children's class.
Sana sits with a child for the.

Left, Operations Director Sana Moussavi visited with a girl in Mokhotlong, Lesothoto.

Below, Papua New Guinean Liaison Teresa Boli (left) accompanied dancers on an Independence Day performance.

Bottom, Chadian FCL facilitator Simadji Justin paid a site visit to a classroom teacher and students.

People in traditional Papua New Guinean dress.
A class of students in a room with their two teachers.

Below, Ghanaian teachers from multiple schools stopped for a photo during a training session.

A large group of teachers arrange themselves for a.
Teresa with editors of Chinese Full-circle learning materials

Above, editors of Chinese Full-Circle Learning materials met with Dean Jinliang Qin for a special presentation, “The Most Important Day of a Teacher’s Life.” Right, the management team of Greentown Education System gathered on the campus of their main high school in Hangzhou, China.performance.

Greentown Education Management team standing with Teresa.
 Eric Muleya teaching teachers in Zambia

Above: Zambia’s Eric Muleya helped teachers practice conflict resolution strategies to use in the classroom.

Lindsey Schurman in Liberia

Left: Board member Lindsey Schurman spoke about the role of EHG in supporting Full-Circle Learning programs, at a 2016 Education as Transformation conference hosted by FCL Liberia.

Left: Mr. Wang, General Manager of Greentown Education, modeled his gift, a scarf with translations of “love” in many languages, designed by board member Zack Dafaallah. Right: A keynote speech in the African Union building helped One Planet School commemorate its tenth anniversary.

Mr. Wang, general manager of Greentown, smiling at the camera.
Teresa Langness in China.

Right: Dr. Rexach’s class of future teachers at Chapman experimented with Full-Circle Learning’s “Sense It Step.”

Below: Piru’s Anna Banda received the gift of a T-shirt from a grateful parent.

Teachers in class participating in FCL project.
A woman holds up a t-shirt that says 'It takes a big heart to to help shape little minds.'