Lesotho is a high mountain kingdom, surrounded on all sides by South Africa. The first project in Lesotho began when Full-Circle Learning was asked to provide teacher training and student service at a preschool in Mokhotlong, a town in the highlands.
Soon the project expanded due to requests for teacher training in the surrounding schools. Six schools, from kindergarten to high school received weekly support.
Learners turned the habit-of-heart into a fruitful outcome for their community when they studied the relationship between deforestation, hunger, and long-term planning. On a barren plateau, they grew trees, to offer the shade that would moisten the soil, prevent erosion and prepare for new agricultural projects. Here, students sang a traditional song urging the rain to fall and nourish the trees.
Years later, the children, as young adults, saw the results of their farsightedness. Tall trees dotted the lush plateau. Government officials took note and realized that the FCL approach supported their sustainable development needs and reinforced their emerging educational goals.
Full-Circle Learning supported the government’s plan to introduce ethics, resiliency, sustainability, and spiritual development as learning outcomes, infused into all subjects in the new syllabus. In early 2020, Full-CircleLearning helped advance implementation of the progressive plan.
The curriculum development department assigned eight pilot schools in the capitol city, Maseru, and invited its own staff, along with members of the Education Ministry and faculty from Lesotho Teacher’s College, to attend. Pictured here, one of three groups, integrating various institutions, earned certificates for the planning skills earned in the course.
Over the years, the Basuto children at the grassroots had engaged in FCL projects. Students atSt. Peter’s eagerly received a friendship-spreading challenge from their wisdom exchange partner, a class at the Full-Circle Learning Academy in Los Angeles.
Early service projects included student-made cards for hospital wishes (right). Teachers also dismantled stigmas against HIV and albino students. Principals raved about the success of the conflict resolution practices.​ ​On the next page, a happy learner was one of the early recipients of FCL service in Mokhotlong.